Glasgow-based multi-utilities provider Arc-Tech MU is celebrating one year of trading this winter. Arc-Tech MU staff members Stephanie Lowdon, Ben Bowering, Greig Stanfield, Haydn Bain and Josh Martin
Network Rail engineers will be working at locations across Scotland this festive period to carry out vital projects to renew and upgrade key infrastructure while preparatory work is underway ahead of the construction of the new East Linton station.
North Lanarkshire Council has issued its first yearly new housing supply update highlighting progress, targets set and challenges faced, as the council delivers its plans for 5,000 new homes by 2035.
The Scottish Self Build Loan Fund has committed more than £5 million in loans to self-builders across Scotland to date.
MIXED USE and NON-RESIDENTIAL Applicant: Edinburgh Leisure Edinburgh Leisure Facilities Management.
Social landlord Osprey Housing has developed a new relationship working together with a local housebuilder for the first time to create six ‘tenure blind’ homes as part of a new south Aberdeenshire development. The properties form part of Fotheringham Homes’ Parklands estate in the
The Scottish Procurement Alliance (SPA) is today launching a new, free of charge call-off service for its public sector partners following a successful pilot.
A planning application has been submitted for 45 apartments across two blocks in Govan for Elderpark Housing Association.
Listed housebuilder Springfield Properties has agreed a conditional acquisition of Inverness-based housebuilder Tulloch Homes for a net consideration of £56.4 million. Springfield’s third acquisition since joining the market in 2017, the directors believe the move will significantly enha
Councillors have gone against the recommendation of planners and rejected an application for 424 new build-to-rent homes in Glasgow’s West End.
Amey Consulting’s expertise in design has been recognised with its appointment to Transport Scotland’s professional services framework for the third consecutive time.
National Grid Electricity Transmission plc (NGET) and Scottish Power Transmission plc (SPT) have agreed to pay a redress package of £158 million for delays to the Western Link Project, following an investigation by Ofgem.
The East Lothian coastal town of Gullane is gaining a new development with the launch of new homes by CALA Homes (East) in January.
Edinburgh Napier University supports launch of a competition challenging students across the UK to design an exemplary net zero community centre using timber.
A combination of survey works, planned refurbishment and repairs could see the swimming pools at the Olympia Centre in Dundee closed until late next year.