Bellway Homes Ltd (Scotland East) has given a £150 funding boost to Livingston-based Kick Mental Health.
A pair of stone statues used as garden ornaments in Suffolk have sold for more than £195,000 after being identified as genuine Egyptian relics.
A parking space located opposite Harrods has gone up for sale for £250,000. However, the underground car parking spot is too small to accommodate the large cars favoured by customers who are able to afford to park in Knightsbridge.
Construction contractor Multiplex has adopted a new flexible working programme as part of its efforts to attract and retain more women and reduce its gender pay gap.
Ron Fraser has been appointed as the new chair of Construction Scotland Industry Leadership Group (CSILG) from November. Mr Fraser has extensive experience in the UK’s construction sector, having worked in the industry for over 40 years. A chartered civil engineer, he has acted as designer, co
Cruden Homes has submitted plans to build 52 new affordable flats in Livingston on the site of the former St Columba’s Church in Craigshill. If permission is granted, once completed, the one and two-bedroom homes will be given to a housing association.
Wellhouse Housing Association announced has announced that a window replacement programme worth almost £250,000 is now being carried out by Sidey Solutions Ltd.
Companies bidding to win Scottish Government contracts will have to pay the real Living Wage. This will ensure public sector contracts tackle in work poverty and promote fair work practices across the public, private and third sector where there is a risk of low pay.
The City of Edinburgh Council is reminding all city landlords and homeowners that every home in Scotland must comply with new fire safety legislation which will come into force early next year. By February 2022, all Scottish homes will need to be fitted with interlinked smoke and heat alarms that ta
Eco-friendly holiday home firm Cairngorm Bothies is to add six more “off road and off-grid” bothies by spring 2022 in a bid to meet growing demand for staycations. Located in the Blelack Woods in Aboyne, the business already has six bothies powered solely by renewable energy. Its sister
Plans for a Scottish community to buy the UK's most remote pub have moved closer to completion after the Scottish Land Fund (SLF) granted funding to support the scheme. The Old Forge Community Benefit Society (CBS) has been awarded £508,000 to support the purchase and redevelopment of the pub,
Children at Longniddry Primary School have used their artistic talents to help create a colourful display at Places for People’s Longniddry Village development.
Construction and fitout specialist Morris & Spottiswood has completed two key projects for University of Strathclyde after being procured as a key partner through the Minor Works Framework.
Hebridean Housing Partnership (HHP) has announced the successful completion of Sealladh Beinn Dail, South Dell, Isle of Lewis by Alex Murray Construction. Work began in August 2020 to bring about the completion of six high-quality homes for affordable social rent.
Real estate advisor CBRE has announced the appointment of two new members of staff in Aberdeen for its growing project management and building consultancy department. Andrew Beedie has joined the firm as a surveyor following a two-year period running his own practice in Orkney, working on both comme