Critical infrastructure provider Amey has appointed a new operations director to bolster its project capability in Scotland, Frazer Meiklejohn has joined the business to lead the account teams which deliver facilities management and lifecycle works for ma
Douglas Smith has joined contractor McGill as commercial director with a remit to increase the company’s growing ambitions. McGill recently announced its merger with Alliance Electrical Services to solidify its position as a strong mid-tier contractor in the North East of Scotland, operat
The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) has named current New London Architecture managing director Tamsie Thomson as its new chief executive. Tamsie, who was previously director of the London Festival of Architecture, will join the organisation in July at what it described as "a ti
Mast Architects has made a round of promotions within its architectural team Rachel Houghton, Morgan Stephen and Martin McFarlane have been promoted to the position of senior architect in recognition of their skills and contribution to the practice over recent years.
A landlord of commercial premises in Aberdeenshire whose former tenant refused to pay for the cost of work to the property at the end of their tenancy has successfully obtained a decree for payment from the Outer House of the Court of Session.
Perthshire-based builder Hadden Construction has described its latest results as “disappointing” despite recording profits rising by more than 50% in the year ending March 2020. Newly-published accounts for the Aberuthven firm revealed sales climbed to £28.96 million last
Glasgow City Council has today accepted £437,500 in developer contribution funding for the Holland Street Avenue, part of the £115 million Avenues programme being delivered through the city centre.
A final design for an Archimedes Screw hydro electric scheme in Inverness has been submitted for approval.
While the UK Government’s insolvency prevention measures appear to be delaying companies from entering insolvency, the latest Red Flag Alert data published today by Begbies Traynor has found that in Scotland there has been a 53% year on year rise in the early signs of financial distr
Consulting engineer Dougall Baillie Associates (DBA) said it is forging ahead with another prime opportunity after planning consent was granted for a 151-home development in Glasgow’s East End.
A new company has chosen North Lanarkshire as the location for its asphalt, aggregates, concrete and road surfacing business.
To mark World Earth Day today, Neil Bancroft details his work with HarrisonStevens on Wavegarden and the Custom House Quay project in Glasgow.
Housing association Link Group has negotiated a new £60 million ten-year term loan facility with Royal Bank of Scotland to help support the delivery of its sizable development programme This new medium-term borrowing is secured just before the financial year end and takes Link's overall f
Plans to build 85 new houses on land near Pirnhall in Stirling, including 21 affordable homes, have been given the green light by Stirling Council. Members of the council’s planning and regulation panel approved an application by Bellway Homes for land between Croftside Farm and Hillhead Farm
Glasgow City Council planners are being asked to approve serviced apartments on the upper floors of a city centre building. The proposal by Delicata Associates is for 24 Drury Street, at Renfield Street, above entertainment premises.