Brockwell Energy

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Jones Bros Civil Engineering UK has hit a significant milestone by reaching 500,000 hours without recording a single lost time incident (LTI) at North Kyle Wind Farm. The civil engineering firm is the principal contractor on Brockwell Energy’s £300 million 49-turbine scheme near Dalmelli

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EDF has signed a seven-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with developer Brockwell Energy to purchase renewable energy from North Kyle onshore wind farm, which is currently under construction in East Ayrshire.

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Brockwell Energy is to create more than 400 jobs during the construction phase of its Westfield Energy from Waste (EfW) facility in Fife and 40 long-term skilled roles once in operation after financial close was reached on the development. The proposed plant will support the pending landfi

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Construction work on a new energy-from-waste plant in Grangemouth is due to commence next year after the £210 million project reached financial close. Specialist green energy project developer and investor Green Investment Group (GIG) and energy-from-waste (EfW) owner and operator Covanta yest

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Infrastructure group Hargreaves Services has launched a new subsidiary to oversee its portfolio of energy-related projects including energy from waste (EfW) projects in Fife and Grangemouth. Brockwell Energy Limited has been formed to oversee the development and potential spin-off of the Hargreavesâ

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