Paisley’s new £7 million home of library services has opened its doors this month bringing back into use a formerly-vacant unit at the heart of the town’s High Street. The Paisley Learning and Cultural Hub is the new home for Paisley Central Library and has been designed as a moder
CCG Asset Management, the planned maintenance division of the CCG Group, has made strong progress with a large-scale contract for Paisley Housing Association.
Thenue Housing has begun its latest property development with a new project in Dalmarnock. The project will deliver 41 homes near the Dalmarnock railway station on a gap site, creating 22 houses and 19 flats.
The CCG Group has completed the first phase of a window & door replacement contract on behalf of Rosehill Housing Co-operative in south Glasgow.
More than 150 residences in East Kilbride are the beneficiaries of new fire safety measures thanks to the CCG Group.
Proposals for a new care home in Penicuik have been granted approval by the local planning authority this month.
Queens Quay in Clydebank has been named as ‘Urban Regeneration’ project of the year at this year’s Brick Association Development Awards.
CCG Asset Management, the planned maintenance division of the CCG Group, is underway with a comprehensive planned maintenance contract on behalf of Trust Housing Association spanning a number of different locations across the Central Belt.
A planned maintenance project involving replacement windows will support the safety and security of Yorkhill Housing Association tenants for many years to come thanks to their 40-year lifespan.
A new care home is set to open in Dalgety Bay this winter after receiving high levels of demand for its bed spaces.
Casa by Moda, the family rental homes division of developer and operator Moda Group, has completed the first phase of its new rental homes in Springboig, Glasgow, its first residential neighbourhood in the city.
This week West of Scotland Housing Association and development partners hub West Scotland and CCG (Scotland) unveiled a plaque to celebrate the Passivhaus certification of the landmark Springfield Cross social housing development in Glasgow’s East End — a significant milestone in the cit
Tenants will begin moving into a landmark £21 million housing development in Govan next month. Govan Housing Association is building its biggest ever development of 92 homes at Water Row with the first tenants set to be in their homes in time for Christmas.
Glasgow's Cromdale Square, a housing development inaugurated just one year ago, has garnered recognition in the UK-wide Inside Housing Development Awards, securing victory in the Best Regeneration Project up to 100 homes category. Delighted Linthouse Housing Association says the win is the “pe
A joint venture company between care developer Morrison Community Care and CCG (Scotland) has commenced construction on a new care home in Perth.