With question marks hanging over the Scottish Government's Heat in Buildings Bill, CIH Scotland’s policy and practice manager Ashley Campbell explores the purpose of the legislation and why it’s so needed. Towards the very end of a debate on supporting households with cost of living pres
Cih Scotland
Housing professional membership body CIH Scotland has raised "significant concerns" over the potential costs of introducing a Scottish equivalent to Passivhaus standard for all new build homes and the negative impact it could have on new housing delivery.
The Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) Scotland has announced the return of its Big Conversation event, in partnership with Fife Council, which brings together young and upcoming housing professionals to consider and discuss the most important issues facing Scotland’s housing sector, as well
The Scottish Government has dropped its flagship target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 75% by 2030 after accepting that the interim step is now "out of reach".
CIH Scotland, the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) in Scotland and Consumer Scotland have issued their responses to key government consultations on two key areas linked to the statutory target to meet net zero by 2045. The Heat in Buildings Bill, expected to be introduced later this year, would
An open letter published today is urging the First Minister to think again about the cuts being proposed to the 2024-25 budgets for housing and planning. The call comes the day before the Scottish Parliament votes on the draft Scottish Budget for the year ahead and follows the findings of independen
The Scottish Government's plan to cut its housing budget by around £200 million next year will have "devastating" consequences for social housing supply and homelessness support, ministers have been warned.
Glasgow-based architecture practice Anderson Bell + Christie has been awarded a CIH Scotland Award in partnership with the City of Edinburgh Council for a recently completed housing project at Sighthill.
A strategic board to lead progress towards the delivery of Scotland’s 20-year housing plan will meet for the first time today.
Callum Chomczuk, national director, CIH Scotland, illustrates the challenges that may make meeting the ambitious target of 110,000 affordable homes over 10 years unattainable, as set out in Scotland's National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4). That sound you didn’t hear was Parliament agreeing on t
An agreed definition of a Scottish equivalent of the Passivhaus standard which will become the minimum for all new housing in the country is to be the subject of consultation between the Scottish Government and the building industry, Patrick Harvie has confirmed. Last month, the
A housing development in Stirlingshire that has brought 50 new affordable homes to the local area has won a national award, with the partners behind the plans believing it could be a blueprint for other parts of Scotland. Built by Lovell for Rural Stirling Housing Association, Claish Farm, just outs
Yesterday's “budget of choices” missed a prime opportunity to encourage a consumer shift towards low carbon homes and fails Scotland’s would-be First Time Buyers, according to Homes for Scotland (HFS).
The Scottish Government’s £3.3 billion funding proposal for the next Affordable Housing Supply Programme will help to “make a real difference” to tackling housing need in Scotland, the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has said.
The Scottish Government’s £24 billion infrastructure investment plan could fall short of providing the affordable housing need facing Scotland over the next five years, a collection of housing organisations have warned.