First Minister John Swinney has announced £25 million of funding to local authorities to invest in the renewal of play parks across Scotland. All councils will receive a share of the funding to improve the standard of existing play parks – helping to ensure children have access to
More school building projects across Scotland are set to benefit from a share of the £2 billion Learning Estate Investment Programme (LEIP) to build new, modern, state of the art facilities.
A strategic board to lead progress towards the delivery of Scotland’s 20-year housing plan will meet for the first time today.
Developments which reduce carbon emissions to tackle climate change and restore nature would be promoted under finalised proposals for long term planning reform. The revised draft National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) sets out sustainable policies against which planning applications would be assessed
Business groups, trades unions and leaders from local government and the third sector have committed to putting fair work at the heart of Scotland’s economic recovery. As Scotland continues to ease lockdown restrictions, organisations including the Institute of Directors (IoD), SCDI, STUC, COS
The Scottish Government has unveiled the schools that will be rebuilt in the first phase of its new £1 billion programme. Funding of between £220 million and £275m will be contributed in partnership with local authorities across the country to replace 26 schools from Aberdeenshire
The Scottish Government has made an additional £80 million available over the next two years to help councils deliver affordable homes. In 2019-20 council areas will benefit from an extra £42m on previously announced funding for affordable housing. In 2020-21, councils wil
Unite’s craft membership in local authorities have voted to accept the revised pay offer from the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA), the union confirmed today. The craft agreement, which is a separate proposal from the wider local authority offer, was accepted by 84% of those vo
The Unite union has recommended that its local government trades membership accept a revised pay offer from the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA). The craft agreement, which is a separate proposal from the wider local authority offer, covers joiners, labourers, painters and electricia
An alliance of ten organisations from the planning and placemaking sector in Scotland has launched a new campaign to help influence new planning guidelines ahead of the upcoming Planning Bill. The Scottish Alliance for People and Places, which includes RTPI Scotland and RICS Scotland, has come toget
(from left) Crawford Beveridge, Petra Biberbach and John Hamilton The members of an independent panel set up to carry out a “game-changing review” of Scotland’s planning system have been announced by social justice secretary Alex Neil.