Work to provide more affordable homes for rent has started across Dumfries and Galloway as part of an £11 million project.
Dumfries And Galloway
Community organisation All Roads Lead to Whithorn (ARLTW) has taken ownership of the former Grapes Hotel, a derelict property that has blighted Whithorn High Street for 30 years, whilst submitting plans for four new community-led homes.
A community benefit society has been given the green light to redevelop a site on Dumfries High Street into flats for affordable rent.
Glasgow-based civil engineer RJ McLeod will lead the construction of the country’s newest onshore wind farm following the award of a multi-million-pound contract by Vattenfall.
Cunninghame Housing Association has teamed up with Raydale Community Partnership and Gretna FC 2008 to create a new community sports hub in the heart of Gretna for local residents.
Construction work on a development of 45 new affordable homes on the site of the former Lockerbie Academy is now under way.
A developer’s plans to deliver 200 homes on the old golf course in the village of Gretna will be subject to an online consultation event this week.
A developer of commercial wind farms that applied for planning permission for a wind farm within the consultation zone of the Eskdalemuir Seismic Array has succeeded in petitioning the court for a time extension to begin proceedings for judicial review.
Dumfries and Galloway Council has approved plans for what will be the first legal cannabis farm in Scotland.
Construction work on 200 new homes on the old golf course in the village of Gretna could begin as early as this year after the submission of a detailed planning application by Alba Developments.
A housing association tenant who sued his landlord over its alleged failure to properly sound-proof his property has had his action dismissed.
Cunninghame Housing Association has marked the completion of its latest social housing development in Annan with a formal ceremony last week.
Up to 25 new jobs are set to be created by an expanding business building its own state-of-the-art headquarters. Artist’s impression of ECO’s state-of-the-art headquarters at Annan
Dumfries & Galloway Council has awarded planning consent for a single malt whisky distillery in Moffat.
Statkraft has awarded RJ McLeod the contract to undertake the civil engineering works for the 43MW Windy Rig wind farm in Dumfries & Galloway.