East Ayrshire

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East Ayrshire Council has granted Taylor Wimpey West Scotland planning permission for 134 new homes in Kilmarnock, and a programme of infrastructure and construction work is already underway marking the homebuilder's return to the local area.

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Jones Bros Civil Engineering UK has hit a significant milestone by reaching 500,000 hours without recording a single lost time incident (LTI) at North Kyle Wind Farm. The civil engineering firm is the principal contractor on Brockwell Energy’s £300 million 49-turbine scheme near Dalmelli

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East Ayrshire Council and East Ayrshire Leisure Trust (EALT) are hosting a community information session to give members of the public an opportunity to view design proposals for Cultural Kilmarnock, including the refurbishment of the Palace Theatre and Grand Hall complex in Kilmarnock.

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Plans for a new Doon Campus have been officially scrapped after costs spiralled to more than £60 million. East Ayrshire Council will now spend £25m on refurbishing the existing facilities at Doon Academy, Dalmellington Primary, Dalmellington Area Centre and Doon Leisure Centre.

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Plans for a housing development in the East Ayrshire village of Sorn have been given the go-ahead. Developer Campbell Homes secured permission to build 28 homes off Catrine Road on a greenfield site that, up until 2024, had been allocated for housing.

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East Ayrshire Council has agreed the next steps in creating its Local Development Plan 3 (LDP3), which will eventually supersede the current Local Development Plan 2 (LDP2) that was approved in March.

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East Ayrshire Council's cabinet spokesperson for Housing, Transport and Communities joined the council's Housing Asset Services to view housing improvement works underway in Auchinleck and Barshare. More than 71% of respondents stated that improving the existing housing stock was their top prio

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