A coalition of housing, environmental, fuel poverty, consumer, and industry organisations is calling for immediate action to stimulate investment in Scotland’s future workforce by introducing the Heat in Buildings Bill. Highlighting the delays already faced by the Bill, the Existing Homes Alli
Existing Homes Alliance
Scotland is at risk of missing its net zero targets unless it swiftly increases the speed of transitioning from oil and gas boilers to clean heat sources, a new report has concluded.
The Scottish Government will not be able to phase out fossil-fuel home heating systems by 2045 unless it significantly increases the scale and pace of activity, Audit Scotland has warned today.
The Scottish Government's plan to cut its housing budget by around £200 million next year will have "devastating" consequences for social housing supply and homelessness support, ministers have been warned.
Two years since the Scottish Government published its plans for cutting greenhouse gas emissions from Scotland’s homes, more than thirty supply chain organisations have written an open letter to First Minister Humza Yousaf, urging his government to publish a Heat in Buildings Bill to give cert
The Existing Homes Alliance has called on the Scottish Government to adopt proposed planning changes to make it easier for homeowners and landlords in Scotland to switch to clean energy systems. The Scottish Government has proposed planning reforms that would make it easier for homeowners and landlo
The Existing Homes Alliance (EHA) has given a cautious welcome to the outcome of the Spending Review which confirms the Scottish Government’s commitment to providing £1.8 billion to decarbonise Scotland’s homes.
Yesterday's “budget of choices” missed a prime opportunity to encourage a consumer shift towards low carbon homes and fails Scotland’s would-be First Time Buyers, according to Homes for Scotland (HFS).
Political parties should commit to building a green recovery and creating thousands of sustainable jobs across Scotland through a major home retrofit programme, according to the Existing Homes Alliance Scotland.
Environment, housing and anti-poverty campaigners have called for a £100 million boost to the budget for energy efficiency measures, saying the move could provide up to 17,000 green jobs, help cut climate emissions and improve properties across the country. Friends of the Earth Scotland,
Over a million homes in Scotland need to be upgraded to low carbon heating by 2030 to ensure the Scottish Government meets its statutory climate change targets, according to an updated plan published yesterday. The Climate Change Plan 2018 – 2032, which has been updated to reflect th
The Scottish Government has pledged to increase investment in infrastructure year on year so that by the end of the next Parliament it will be £1.5 billion higher than last year.
An increased allocation of funding for affordable homes and energy efficiency from yesterday’s draft Scottish budget has been welcomed, though the Scottish Government “missed an opportunity” to set out how they will invest in Scotland’s builders.
A report setting out a credible pathway to making all homes in Scotland zero carbon by 2045 has been published today by the Existing Homes Alliance Scotland.
The Fuel Poverty (Target, Definition and Strategy) (Scotland) Bill 2019 is expected to receive Royal Assent this summer after the legislation passed Stage 3 at Holyrood yesterday.