The first phase of Falkirk Council’s £31 million social housing development at Woodend Farm, Hallglen, has been delivered, providing high-quality, energy-efficient homes for rent.
A report outlining a significant investment in Falkirk Council’s housing stock was approved by elected members at a full council meeting last week.
Falkirk Council has made a preliminary decision on the proposed Grangemouth Flood Protection Scheme (GFPS) after it considered an update report at its Executive Committee yesterday.
Cala Homes (West) has submitted a planning application to Falkirk Council to create a new neighbourhood in Bo’ness.
The new Falkirk Town Hall could have a transformational impact with 300,000 more people visiting the town centre, and £84.5 million in growth and jobs over the next 25 years, according to an update report to elected members.
Plans for new community sports and leisure facilities in the Falkirk Council area could take a crucial step forward this month as councillors consider approving phased investment in Bo’ness and Denny and the development of a detailed business case for extending Braes High School.
Falkirk Council is to consider how to progress the Grangemouth Flood Protection Scheme (GFPS) at the Executive meeting later this month. The GPFS aims to address growing flood risks in Grangemouth and surrounding communities. The overall scope makes it Scotland’s largest flood protection proje
Major road upgrades at Snab Brae in Bo’ness are set to get underway in the New Year as part of an £800,000 project aimed at improving road safety and promoting active travel.
Creativity, problem-solving and teamwork helped 40 budding engineers and future project managers from six local high schools rise to the Big Design Challenge.
Mac Mic Group and Persimmon Homes East Scotland have completed a land sale agreement for a site in Dennyloanhead, Falkirk. This significant milestone marks the next step in delivering new sustainable homes and local infrastructural improvements to the area.
Scottish Water has completed work on a £706,000 green energy scheme at a site near Falkirk, which is set to save around 135 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent a year.
Substantial repairs to the road network across the area got underway in April 2024 thanks to an additional £4 million capital investment to be spent on road resurfacing and other road upgrades over a 12-month period. Now six months into the multi-million roads resurfacing programme 50 carriage
Cala Homes (West) is progressing a detailed planning application for the creation of a new neighbourhood in Bo’ness, Falkirk.
The multi-million-pound Falkirk and Grangemouth Growth Deal has been signed by UK and Scottish Governments as well as Falkirk Council as part of a package that will strengthen the local economy and create more than a thousand jobs over the next 10 years. Up to 1660 jobs and £628m worth of econ
A housebuilding firm has been fined after instructing workers to carry out land clearance which obstructed and damaged a large active badger sett.