(from left): Ross Martin, chair of the British Waterways Trust; Jennifer Tempany, head of Business Development at Forth Valley College; Falkirk Council leader Councillor Cecil Meiklejohn; Keith Aitken, regional senior director of GVA; Douglas Duff, head of planning and economic development at Falkir
‘Visionary’ plans designed to revitalise the centre of Falkirk and develop 6.7 acres of council-owned land around Grahamston railway station have been unveiled by property development firm Bellair. The £150 million masterplan presents proposals drawn by 3DReid for a mixed-use development with t
Chemicals firm Ineos has announced plans to increase the capacity of the cracker facility used to break down gases at its site in Grangemouth. The company has submitted a planning application to Falkirk Council for the construction of a security management centre as well as two security gatehouses,
Infrastructure group Hargreaves Services has launched a new subsidiary to oversee its portfolio of energy-related projects including energy from waste (EfW) projects in Fife and Grangemouth. Brockwell Energy Limited has been formed to oversee the development and potential spin-off of the Hargreavesâ
Commercial property advisor GVA has been appointed by Falkirk Council to help attract investment for its Falkirk Gateway development. The council created the Gateway development site in a bid to entice investors and therefore boost the future economic prosperity of the area. GVA’s role in the comi
Forth Valley College is looking for a contractor to build the New Falkirk Campus after the Scottish Government and the Scottish Funding Council approved the full business case for the £83 million project. The estimated value of the main construction contract is £58m with the build anticipated to c
A bid to make nearly 800 affordable homes available to rent over the next five years is being launched by Falkirk Council this month. Around £35 million of funding is being sought from Scottish Government in a consortium bid led by the local authority on behalf of itself and other social landlords
Plans to build 550 new homes in a village on the outskirts of Falkirk took a step forward this week. Land at Banknock was earmarked four years ago by developers for the house as well as a community centre, shops and a nature conservation area but the plans have been caught up in red tape.
A view of the proposed HQ's main pedestrian entrance along West Bridge Street Falkirk Council has all but scrapped plans for a new headquarters after councillors agreed to step back from a proposed £23 million spend on the project and a new town hall.
Construction work on a brand new secondary school in Falkirk for young people with additional support needs is starting soon after councillors gave the project the green light. The new £17.5 million school, which will replace the current Carrongrange School, will be built on land next to Moray Prim
Falkirk Council has commenced construction of four new speculative industrial units at Abbotsford Business Park at a cost of £1.3 million. JB Bennett was appointed as the design and build contractor and has started the construction preparation works, including establishing the site and its boundari
View of the Falkirk Gateway looking north over the site Falkirk Council has unveiled plans to create a new, environmentally friendly urban quarter under its multi-million pound Tax Incremental Finance (TIF) initiative.
©Peter Sandground The Falkirk Wheel is set for a mini revolution as a £1 million programme to revamp and develop new visitor experiences at the world’s only rotating boat lift gets underway.
A £100 million spending programme designed to improve communities and services has been outlined by Falkirk Council for the next three years. The capital programme, which will see continuation of existing projects as well as new ones started, was announced yesterday as the local authority agreed it
A self-employed roofer has been fined after a man fell from the roof of a house and suffered serious injuries. Adam Menzies, 43, of Falkirk Road, Larbert, Falkirk, pleaded not guilty to health and safety offences.