Scottish tennis coach Judy Murray served up a surprise appearance to Hardies Property & Construction Consultants at the grand opening of the refurbished pavilion for East Lothian community sports club Longniddry Tennis Club.
Hardies Property & Construction Consultants has embarked on an ambitious expansion strategy that will see it open three new offices across the UK this month. The new offices in Belfast, Leeds, and London, which take its office network to 13 locations, form the first phase of a development strate
In response to significant growth realised over recent years, Hardies Property & Construction Consultants is investing more than £250k in doubling its annual trainee and graduate surveyor recruitment intake. The investment will see the firm recruit an additional 11 new trainees and graduat
Councillors look set to approve plans for more than 140 homes as part of a landmark project within the £1.3 billion Granton Waterfront regeneration project.
Hardies Property & Construction Consultants has undertaken a comprehensive operational restructure that sees the appointment of a senior partner, expansion from three to four geographical divisions throughout the UK and the appointment of three new partners. A chartered quantity surveyor and pro
Work has started on 49 new homes for Fife Housing Group in the Glen Albyn area of Kirkcaldy that will feature a host of sustainability measures.
Detailed plans, comprising 94 flats and 48 colony style homes, have been prepared to bring a derelict brownfield site and home of a former care home back to life as part of the £1.3 billion Granton Waterfront regeneration project.
Hardies Property & Construction Consultants has completed work on a 60-bed nursing home in Livingston for Randolph Hill Nursing Homes Group.
Shepherd Chartered Surveyors and Hardies Property & Construction Consultants have hosted their first graduate and trainee day in-house training programme since lockdown with former Scottish international and British and Irish Lions rugby player Andy Nicol as guest speaker delivering an inspirat
Detailed plans are now being drawn up for an all-year-round, multi-activity leisure facility at Midlothian Snowsports Centre after a final business case was approved by councillors. Centred around a new carbon neutral main building, the Destination Hillend project will offer
A total of 27 new homes for social rent developed by Kingdom Housing Association have been handed over to Ore Valley Housing Association at Hugh Place in Lochgelly. For many years now Kingdom Housing Association has been working with partner housing associations to deliver an ‘Alliance’
Glasgow City Council has approved plans by The R&A to redevelop the existing public golf course at Lethamhill to create a brand new community golf facility.
Construction firm JR Group has been awarded a contract to build new housing in Kirkcaldy on behalf of Fife Housing Group.
Hardies Property & Construction Consultants has appointed energy management professional Mark O’Neill as head of energy in its Glasgow office. With ever-tighter regulations in relation to the energy performance of properties, Mr O’Neill joins the firm’s dedicated nationwide Ene
Hardies Property & Construction Consultants is assisting Midlothian Council with its sustainability drive with Passivhaus and Net Zero Carbon goals following its appointment to deliver 20 construction projects with a combined construction value of £90 million. The firm is providing project