Aberdeen-based Kirkwood Homes has pushed ahead with a £200 million plan to build up to 800 new homes at the former Fairways golf course in Inverness. A Proposal of Application Notice was submitted to Highland Council, with the developers claiming the development will create about 150 construct
Renovation and construction work on the landmark retail and housing development at the former Arnotts store in Inverness city centre has kicked off, with a planned completion date of the third quarter of 2022.
The transformation of Inverness Castle will see the historic ‘rose window’, saved from a former Methodist church in the city, being incorporated into interior design for the building. The ‘rose window’ in its home in the now-demolished former church on Inglis Street (Image cr
The Highland Council has released progress images of the Inverness West Link project as it announced Stage 2 of the project remains on track for completion in early April 2021. A number of core elements making-up this phase of the project have now successfully been completed, including the
Landscaping proposals for the Inverness Castle development have now been lodged with the Highland Council as part of the statutory applications for the planned transformation for Inverness Castle to become a tourism gateway for the Highlands.
A development strategy has been set out for the future expansion of Inverness Airport facilities including the passenger terminal, land-side and surface access and airfield infrastructure.
Balfour Beatty has been awarded a £32 million contract to build a new, world-class Ophthalmology and Orthopaedic health facility in Inverness on behalf of NHS Highland.
The original formal entrance of Inverness Castle has been revealed this week for the first time in almost 50 years, as part of the transformation of the building to create a gateway for Highland tourism.
The cell block located to the rear of the south tower of Inverness Castle has been demolished as part of the transformation to create a gateway for Highland tourism.
Statutory applications for the planned transformation for Inverness Castle to become a tourism gateway for the region have now been lodged with the Highland Council. Submitted by project architects LDN Architects, the applications for listed building consent and building warrant approval are in prep
Revised plans a double platform railway station at Inverness Airport have been submitted to the Highland Council.
Members of the Highland Council’s south planning applications committee have unanimously refused a planning application for a six-storey, 162-bed hotel in Inverness city centre.
Caledonia Housing Association has begun construction of 21 homes for social rent in Milton of Leys, south of Inverness, with the properties due to be ready by September 2021.
Planning consent has been granted for a new life sciences innovation centre on Inverness Campus.
The category B listed suspension Infirmary footbridge in Inverness which traverses the River Ness between Ness Walk and Ness Bank may need to close for public safety until the Highland Council considers and secures funding for necessary repairs.