Additional investment of £24 million through an innovative programme to deliver affordable homes across Scotland will see total funding in the scheme reach half a billion pounds, the Scottish Government said today. Started in 2014, the Charitable Bonds scheme provides loans to housing associat
Link Group
Link Group has submitted a series of planning applications to Argyll & Bute Council for Phase 4 of the Dunbeg development near Oban.
A rural housing project previously branded as "truly transformative" has been completed at Upper Achintore in Fort William, bringing to fruition a nationwide ambition to help grow and sustain rural communities in the Highlands.
A £22 million investment has been made into a scheme to increase investment in affordable homes and deliver more housing.
Phase three of Riverside Dalmarnock, a partnership project between Link and McTaggart Construction, won Age Exclusive Development of the Year at the Scottish Home Awards 2024.
In the run-up to the Scottish Home Awards 2024, Lorna Cameron, CEO of Horizon Housing Association, says organisations pioneering accessible and inclusive housing hold the key to a more equal and sustainable housing future. A quiet but remarkable revolution is underway as new homes spring up across S
The JR Group has successfully delivered 48 new homes at Dumbarton Road, Old Kilpatrick, handing over the development to clients, Link Group, ready for new residents.
The first ten homes in a “truly transformative" housing development in Fort William have been handed over.
The latest phase of a transformational development has seen 300 affordable, energy-efficient homes built near Oban.
A new development of more than 300 much needed affordable, energy efficient homes has been completed in Argyll and Bute.
Housebuilder Cruden is set to start work on a mix of 49 affordable properties in Livingston on behalf of Link Group. The £8.7 million development will see energy-efficient new homes built on a previously disused 1.2-hectare, brownfield site in Craigshill.
Link Group has completed the first phase of its newest affordable housing development in Inverclyde.
West Highland Housing Association (WHHA), one of the partners in the Link Group of companies, has recently awarded a contract for repairs and maintenance following a successful tender. Argyll Homes for All (AHFA), the repairs and maintenance subsidiary of Argyll Community Housing Association, were a
Link Group has secured a new £70 million funding package with Bank of Scotland. The agreement, which includes an existing £10.7m loan, puts in place a five-year Revolving Credit Facility (RCF) of £60m, providing flexibility and liquidity to Link Group to support its ongoing develop
Cruden Homes has started working to deliver more than 120 homes in the heart of East Calder in West Lothian.