Swedish state-owned energy company Vattenfall has said it has begun a process to assess the ownership of its district heating portfolio. As part of its continuous portfolio evaluation, Vattenfall will investigate future options for its district heating operations in the UK, Sweden and the Netherland
Councillors have approved the appointment of Morgan Sindall Group for the project to relocate Beeslack Community High School.
As part of the delivery of the new neighbourhood of Bannock Wood near Bonnyrigg, Taylor Wimpey East Scotland has received planning permission in principle (PPiP) from Midlothian Council.
Wheatley Homes East has handed over 25 new homes to delighted tenants in the Rosewell community of Midlothian. The social landlord part-funded the development, with an additional £2.7 million from Scottish Government grant funding.
Midlothian councillors have approved the draft Delivery Programme for the Midlothian Local Development Plan 2017 (MLDP) public consultation.
Plans for a new retail park project which could bring additional affordable housing and care for the elderly to Straiton have been rejected by ministers.
Two of Scotland’s property companies are set to invest in the thriving community at Millerhill, just south-east of Edinburgh.
A new energy centre that will provide heat to thousands of homes across Midlothian opened for the first time yesterday.
Taylor Wimpey East Scotland has made an application for approval of details relating to its Planning Permission in Principle to Midlothian Council to provide a further 214 new homes off Corby Craig Terrace and Reeforts Avenue in Bilston, of which 25% will be affordable.
Midlothian Council has been awarded three Active Travel Infrastructure Fund awards, totalling £753,062, by the Scottish Government. The awards come from a £10 million national fund which the Scottish Government set up to achieve the outcomes of Transport Scotland’s National
Springfield Properties has submitted detailed proposals to Midlothian Council for the first phase of the new Lingerwood development.
Architecture firm Holmes Miller has submitted a planning application to Midlothian Council for the redevelopment of Penicuik High School.
Pupils and staff at Woodburn Primary School in Dalkeith are enjoying new state-of-the-art educational facilities after main contractor Kier and Midlothian Council completed the £11.4 million extension and refurbishment project early. Opened six weeks ahead of schedule, the new 2,262m2 ex
Lovell recently welcomed schoolchildren from Lawfield Primary School to Oakwood Edge in Mayfield to learn about the importance of safety on construction sites ahead of the school holidays. Oakwood Edge is a mixed-tenure development with 156 new energy-efficient homes for the area. A total of 39
Connect Modular recently visited Strathesk Primary School in Penicuik to conduct an interactive and educational session with the students.