The first two amenity bungalows built by Connect Modular have been delivered to the six-home development in Stevenston, North Ayrshire. The important milestone was reached this week as the modules arrived on site and were craned into place, making up the first two homes in the development.
North Ayrshire
The strategy that defines and shapes where future development of land and property will take place across North Ayrshire is being updated.
Demolition work is set to begin soon at the Fullarton high flats in Irvine.
North Ayrshire Provost, Anthea Dickson, recently visited Millport Town Hall as phase one of the renovation works near completion.
Ambitious plans to transform Irvine’s Harbourside are gathering pace. North Ayrshire Council is ready to present its latest Masterplan for the ‘Great Harbour’ project - as it moves forward with proposals to transform the Irvine Harbour area into a colourful, exciting and cultural h
Plans to build two North Ayrshire Council-owned solar farms have reached a major milestone. The local authority has awarded the tender for the delivery of these exciting renewable developments to Ameresco Limited.
A Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) for the new Ardrossan Community Campus has been submitted to North Ayrshire Council. The new Community Campus at the North Shore site in Ardrossan will be the first part of wider development on the disused former Shell site, transforming the previously industri
Akela Ground Engineering has completed works at an affordable homes site in North Ayrshire after winning a new contract with Connect Modular.
Hunterston Port and Resource Campus (PARC) has been granted national development status under the Scottish Government’s National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4), creating opportunities for a slew of new renewable energy developments to come onstream. The designation recognises Hunterston as a stra
North Ayrshire Council has been awarded £600,000 of funding from the Scottish Government to support its efforts to breathe new life into the historic King’s Arms Hotel in Irvine. The derelict town centre landmark is to be transformed into six new homes for affordable rent as part of the
Comsol Energy has lodged a planning application with North Ayrshire Council to establish a solar farm on the Isle of Cumbrae.
Work is now underway on the latest development of new council homes in North Ayrshire.
Plans to build new homes on the site of former flats in Beith and Kilbirnie are moving forward.
North Ayrshire Council is hosting two events in February as it consults on the forthcoming planning application for the proposed new Ardrossan Campus. These drop-in events form a key part of the planning process and will give people a chance to view the proposed plans for the new building and discus
A total of 18 new affordable homes will be built on the Isle of Arran by the Arran Development Trust (ADT) as part of the Rowarden Affordable Housing Project.