British renewable energy projects will be connected quicker thanks to new Ofgem rules granting early access to almost £4 billion of investment for crucial transmission equipment and services. The regulator said its new Advanced Procurement Mechanism (APM) will unblock supply chains by allowing
Radical reform to fast-track cheaper, cleaner power plugging into the electricity grid is one step closer to becoming a reality, Ofgem has announced. The new connections system, which could be in place in spring 2025, would end the first-come, first-served system where clean energy generation or sto
Thirty-nine businesses have been suspended from installing new insulation in people’s homes after UK ministers were alerted to reports of poor-quality work.
A £2 billion funding package has been awarded to build a proposed new subsea and underground 196km cable between Scotland and the north of England which will help boost energy security, cut bills and hit Government green targets.
Ofgem has closed its investigation into Drax Power Limited after opening the investigation in May this year to learn whether the firm was in breach of annual profiling reporting requirements relating to the Renewables Obligations (RO) scheme and other related matters. The investigation focussed
A proposed new subsea and underground 500km cable between Scotland and Yorkshire which could power up to two million homes has been awarded a £3.4 billion funding package.
Electricity generator Beatrice Offshore Windfarm Limited (BOWL) has agreed to make a payment of £33.14 million after admitting it breached energy market rules following a review by energy regulator Ofgem.
The first project to proceed under a new fast track process has received a provisional £2 billion funding package to deliver a subsea energy superhighway which could connect up to two million homes to clean energy. The proposed Eastern Green Link 1 (EGL1) high voltage subsea cable would be abl
SP Energy Networks has secured £275,000 of funding from Ofgem’s Strategic Innovation Fund to help further two of its innovative projects this year.
National Gas has secured Ofgem Strategic Innovation Funding (SIF) to study a new type of underground hydrogen energy storage – developed by Edinburgh storage specialists Gravitricity – as a potential technology in their plan to decarbonise the UK gas network. Gravitricity's H2FlexiStore
Plans for two high voltage cable links to Europe which could help power millions of homes and harness the power of the North Sea have been recommended for approval by energy regulator Ofgem.
Gas distribution company SGN has been given approval by Ofgem to proceed to the next stage of its project to trial 100% hydrogen gas through a 30km decommissioned pipeline between Grangemouth and Granton.
Orkney’s Community Wind Farm Project has taken a further step forward with energy regulator Ofgem’s approval of a new electricity transmission link. The approval follows Ofgem’s public consultation on the proposals for the interconnector project and the need for an electricity link
Energy regulator Ofgem has approved the need for the strategic electricity transmission reinforcements required to deliver the UK Government’s 50GW offshore wind by 2030 target, set out as part of the regulator’s Accelerated Strategic Transmission Investment (ASTI) framework.
Energy regulator Ofgem has received a Final Needs Case (FNC) for SSEN Transmission's proposed replacement of the existing Fort Augustus to Skye electricity transmission line, moving towards the final stages of the regulatory funding approvals process for the project. At an estimated cost of around &