A difficult year has been lent some perspective by the 2020 Scottish Design Awards which highlighted the creative beacons which have done most to light our way out of the dark days of lockdown.
New Gorbals Housing Association has been granted planning permission for an eight-storey block of affordable flats.
Planning approval has been granted for a 23-unit affordable housing development for Link Group at Kilsyth Road in Kirkintilloch.
A decision into plans by New Gorbals Housing Association to deliver an eight-storey block of flats on a city gap site has been delayed by councillors.
New plans have been lodged with Glasgow City Council for a residential development and a new public garden in the city’s Finnieston area.
Shettleston Housing Association’s Cunningham House development was named Best Affordable Housing Development (urban) in the UK-wide Inside Housing Awards. This small, ambitious project saw off strong competition from six quality affordable housing projects across the country to lift the award
The restoration of one of the last standing grade A listed tenements in the Gorbals will be celebrated at an event later this month hosted by Southside Housing Association (SHA). Glasgow’s 166 Gorbals Street (The Former British Linen Bank) building was built in 1900 and designed by architect J
Ayrshire Housing Association has submitted a planning application for 40 flats on Ayr's harbourside.
The opening of a visitors centre in Galashiels which tells the story of Scotland through one of the world’s largest tapestries has been put back.
Charles Jencks, who co-founded the Maggie’s Centres for cancer patients and created some of Scotland’s most distinctive works of outdoor design, has died aged 80. An architectural historian and landscape designer, the American-born author published more than 30 books on cosmic science an
Years of successful community control was singled out for special praise last week when First Minister Nicola Sturgeon officially opened a pivotal new development in the Gorbals. New Gorbals Housing Association welcomed the MSP for Glasgow Southside as it celebrated 30 years of community ownership w
Morgan Sindall Construction has handed over a new £20 million state-of-the health and care centre in Glasgow city centre.
A former Edinburgh rubber factory dubbed the ‘home of the wellington boot’ has been transformed into a creative industries hub and is set to be one of the largest printmaking facilities created for artists in Europe. In a major boost for the creative economy, Edinburgh Printmakers is set
Interior glass solutions provider Indeglas is set to recognise its colleagues in the UK’s design and construction industry with the launch of a monthly award. The #IndeglasCleverOwl Award will be made to individuals including those involved in procurement, supply chain, design, engineering or
Isle of Mull contractor TSL has been awarded a £2.6 million contract to transform a derelict school in Oban into a thriving community hub. Oban Communities Trust made the appointment after it received the green light to start work on the main building at the Rockfield Centre.