Four of the UK's biggest housing developers are being investigated by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) over concerns they may have broken consumer protection law in relation to leasehold homes.
Dunedin Canmore has delivered a major boost to affordable housing across Edinburgh after completing 174 new homes in four communities across the capital. The social landlord has completed 110 new, energy-efficient houses and flats for social rent and another 64 for mid-market rental.
Persimmon has announced an interim dividend on the back of an “excellent” start to the second half.
Five housing developers have succeeded in challenging a chapter of the Inverclyde Local Development Plan concerning housing land supply on the ground of inappropriate methodology.
Housebuilders Persimmon and Vistry have reported an increase demand for new homes since reopening sales offices after months at a standstill during the coronavirus lockdown.
Perth & Kinross Council has rejected an application to expand a housing development in Kinross amid concerns that sewage water would spill into Loch Leven.
Stirling Council has given conditional approval to £100 million plans to build around 800 new homes near Bannockburn.
National Express chief executive Dean Finch has been appointed as the successor of David Jenkinson as group chief executive at Persimmon. Current CEO Mr Jenkinson gave early notice of his intention to step down in February, following just 15 months in the role.
Housebuilder Persimmon has followed Taylor Wimpey in announcing plans to start reopening sites but like its rival, this will not be applicable to Scotland just yet.
Springfield Properties, Persimmon and Morgan Sindall have all revealed plans to suspend dividends to shareholders to preserve cash amid the COVID-19 outbreak.
Persimmon Homes North Scotland has successfully secured the land for a £9.3 million new development in at the 4.79-acre Kingspark School site in Dundee. The developer will build 62 new homes at the site.
West Lothian Council has approved plans for 48 new homes in West Calder.
The chief executive of Persimmon has given early notice of his intention to step down as the housebuilder reported profits exceeding £1 billion for a second consecutive year. Dave Jenkinson, who took up the post just 15 months ago, said he was "pleased with the headway we have made in 2019 and
Persimmon Homes has been granted permission to build 158 homes in Wormet, Fife.
Persimmon’s shift in focus towards improving build quality and customer care will result in a fall in revenues though profits will be in line with expectations, the housebuilder said today. In a trading update ahead of its final results for the year ended 31 December 2019, which will be releas