Seventeen suppliers have won spots on the latest Social Housing Emerging Disruptors (SHED) framework which supports Scottish local authorities and housing associations to compliantly procure non-traditional solutions from micro businesses and SMEs. This fourth generation of the SHED framework, which
Pfh Scotland
Chris McGinn, commercial manager at PfH Scotland, believes Scottish social landlords need to get back to basics when it comes to reducing the carbon footprint of their homes. More than ever, improving the thermal performance of social homes in Scotland feels like an uphill battle.
Procast Group has won a contract to bring £2.4 million worth of energy efficient improvements to 36 homes in an Argyll & Bute village.
CCG Asset Management, the planned maintenance division of the CCG Group, has completed a third phase of kitchen upgrades for tenants of East Lothian Council in Musselburgh, Tranent, Haddington, Prestonpans and North Berwick. The £965,000 works package involved the replacement of cabinets and w
A framework which enables Scottish housing associations and councils to compliantly buy innovative services from start-ups and micro businesses has launched with 21 suppliers having won spots.
CCG Asset Management, the planned maintenance division of the CCG Group, has made strong progress with a large-scale contract for Paisley Housing Association.
CCG Asset Management, the planned maintenance division of the CCG Group, is underway with a comprehensive planned maintenance contract on behalf of Trust Housing Association spanning a number of different locations across the Central Belt.
A consortium of eight housing associations operating across Inverclyde, East Renfrewshire and Renfrewshire has appointed an initial 40 local contractors to its new dynamic purchasing system (DPS) for responsive repairs and voids, developed in partnership with PfH Scotland.
CCG Asset Management has been appointed a major planned maintenance contract by Paisley Housing Association.
Huws Gray, Jewson, NMBS, Travis Perkins and Wolseley have secured spots on a large-scale materials framework with dedicated lots for Scottish housing associations and local authorities.
Stirling-based procurement services provider PfH Scotland, which represents 95 social housing providers across Scotland, has appointed 25 contractors to its new £0.25 billion Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing 2 (EESSH2) framework.
CCG Asset Management has been chosen to lead a multi-million-pound planned maintenance project on behalf of Whiteinch & Scotstoun Housing Association (WSHA). The £8.5 million contract will comprise the installation of brand new kitchens and bathrooms, as well as other various upgrades incl
Fire safety and building compliance contractors across Scotland are being invited to help registered social landlords (RSLs) meet new higher standards to protect properties from smoke and fire, introduced in the wake of the Grenfell Tower disaster in London. Interested parties can apply to become &l
A new specialist heating services procurement framework specifically designed to meet the needs of the Scottish social housing sector has been launched with 26 companies appointed. Expected to generate work with a total value in the region of £600 million over four years across Scotland’s social
Specialist heating contractors from across Scotland are being invited to submit bids to take part in a new £600 million procurement framework specifically designed to help registered social landlords meet their obligations under the Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing (EESSH). The new fra