Edinburgh-based developer Whiteburn Projects has submitted a detailed planning application for the residential development-led, mixed-use regeneration at March Street in Peebles.
Scottish Borders
Main construction works to deliver a state-of-the-art education and community facility for Earlston will begin today. The facility will include a primary school and early years facility with community spaces also included bringing learning and social environments to the heart of the community.
Edinburgh-based developer Whiteburn Projects has been unanimously granted planning permission for a residential development on land accessed from Stow Road in the north of Lauder.
The controlled dismantling of 2 High Street, Jedburgh has now been completed, allowing for progress to be made on the construction of a replacement building.
Updated floor plan designs for the new Peebles High School building have been made available to view after alterations were been made to the designs following feedback received from the engagement sessions that took place in early February.
Scottish Borders Council has approved plans to build hundreds of new homes on a country estate in Lowood, near Melrose.
The development of up to 400 new homes and a new 60-bed care village are the key features of the proposed Tweedbank expansion project, details of which are included in a new report to Scottish Borders Council. The report sets out the overall vision for the project which aims to achieve a sustainable
LBA has submitted plans to build twelve new homes off Poppleburn Park at Ednam in the Scottish Borders.
Affordable flats will be built on the former Burgh Yard site in Galashiels which was previously earmarked for a hotel.
A proposal for 46 new high quality homes for social rent will be going into planning on behalf of Eildon Housing Association this week. The site of the former Borders College on Melrose Road, Galashiels has been lying vacant for many years and as a result of the poor condition, will have to be demol
The latest local flood risk management plans for the Scottish Borders have been published, covering the period up to 2028.
New budget plans published by Scottish Borders Council include a commitment to deliver all previously announced capital projects, in spite of significantly increased costs, particularly due to average inflation of 10%. Capital plan projects include three new secondary schools (Peebles, Galashie
The project team behind the £46 million replacement for Peebles High School are to make some revisions to the designs after concerns were raised about the approved plans during community engagement sessions. Scottish Borders Council granted planning permission for the campus in July last year,
A historic military training camp could soon have its key features recognised as scheduled monuments as Historic Environment Scotland (HES) announced it is seeking views from the public on proposals to designate Stobs Camp in recognition of its national importance.
Updated proposals by Cruden Homes for the delivery of 76 homes for social rent for Eildon Housing Association on the site of a former primary school site in Jedburgh are to go on show to the public.