Scottish Enterprise

91-105 of 149 Articles
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Work to create a life sciences innovation hub at the Foresterhill Health Campus in Aberdeen will now begin in the summer after the project was delayed due to coronavirus.

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New homes can be built more efficiently if all of those involved – councils and housing associations, designers, planners, regulators and builders – sit down together at the beginning of every project, a report has found. CSIC chief executive Stephen Good and housing minister Kevin Stewa

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A new manufacturing district in Renfrewshire which will create thousands of new jobs for the sector took a step closer yesterday as work started on site. Finance secretary Derek Mackay, Scottish Enterprise chief executive Steve Dunlop and Renfrewshire’s Provost Lorraine Cameron joined by Inchi

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Expresso Property Limited is in the final stages of planning for a new high tech ‘Grade A’ business hub on Glasgow’s waterfront after concluding missives with Scottish Enterprise for the acquisition of 1A Pacific Quay.

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Multidisciplinary design and engineering company BakerHicks has been awarded a contract to deliver design services for the new Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre (MMIC) in Renfrewshire. BakerHicks was appointed by CPI to provide multi-disciplinary design services, including pharmaceutical con

91-105 of 149 Articles