The Scottish Government has identified six islands that will be supported to become carbon neutral by 2040. Selected in collaboration with local authorities and island representatives, the islands included as part of the Carbon Neutral Islands project are - Hoy, Islay, Great Cumbrae,
Scottish Government
New funding to help public bodies unlock and realise further investment in measures to improve energy efficiency and install low and zero-carbon heat systems in buildings has been launched by the Scottish Government.
Some of Scotland’s longest standing vacant and derelict sites will be transformed into affordable housing, community gardens and places of enterprise and learning by awards from a £50 million programme. Ten schemes will share more than £5m from the low carbon Vacant and Derelict La
A 12-week public consultation has been launched today on Phase 2 of the Scottish Government’s permitted development rights (PDR) review.
The supply of new homes delivered in Scotland fell by a third in one year to reach the lowest total in eight years as the Covid-19 pandemic took its toll on the housebuilding sector, official figures have found.
An independent review of the role of incineration in Scotland has recommended that no further planning permission should be granted to incineration infrastructure unless it is balanced by an equal or greater closure of capacity.
New measures to revitalise town centres and regenerate local economies have been published by the Scottish Government. In response to last year’s review of the Town Centre Action Plan, a joint report by the Scottish Government and COSLA outlines actions to better embed a ‘Town Centre Fir
Edinburgh's £75 million concert hall, the Dunard Centre, is set to receive £10m each from the UK and Scottish governments, and a further £5m from the City of Edinburgh Council to allow the project to move towards the first phase of construction. The music venue, which was given the
A new partnership approach launched by the Scottish Government will be embedded across the education and skills system to ensure employers and government are working together to deliver training opportunities for the new green jobs of the future. Scotland's National Strategy for Economic Transformat
A five-year plan backed by more than £100 million of funding to help build Scotland’s hydrogen economy has been published by the Scottish Government. The draft Hydrogen Action Plan sets out the strategic approach the Scottish Government will take with industry to help make Scotland becom
An Advice Note has been issued to assist in determining the fire risk posed by external wall systems in existing multi-storey residential buildings. The Scottish Government publication is designed is to help ensure that people are not placed at undue risk of harm as a result of fire spreading over o
Economy secretary Fiona Hyslop has announced that a further £70 million will be made available by the Scottish Government to provide more jobs, internships, apprenticeships, training and volunteering opportunities for young people in Scotland. The extra funding for Young Person&rsqu
Construction work has commenced on the new £33m Fife Elective Orthopaedic Centre at the Victoria Hospital in Kirkcaldy. The project will see the creation of a state-of-the-art facility hosting 3 operating theatres, a supporting inpatient ward and associated outpatient facilities. Planning perm
Glasgow City Council is seeking a deal with the Scottish Government to fund run-down pre-1919 tenements in the city. Council chiefs wish to speed up the restoration of the homes which provide one-quarter of Glasgow's housing.
West Dunbartonshire Council is seeking comments from the Scottish Government on a plan to introduce enhanced fire safety measures across the area’s high rise buildings. The proposed programme of further enhancements, including upgrades to window panels in 11 blocks, as well as installation of