A 10-year-old girl from Crookston Castle Primary School in Glasgow won a competition organised by Caledonia Water Alliance (CWA) to name a tunnel boring machine which has just carried out key work on part of a complex project to improve water services for one million people. Caoimhe Donnelly, a prim
Scottish Water
More than 1,000 graduates and apprentices will help transform Scotland’s drinking and waste water services making them greener and fit for future generations. They will play a critical part in ensuring Scottish Water has access to emerging talent when it will invest £4.5 billion over a s
AECOM has been appointed to the new Scottish Water Commercial Services Framework to deliver programme support, cost, people development and consultancy services.
A ground-breaking project to install one of the country’s most innovative and sustainable heating systems at the Clyde Gateway regeneration programme has been completed in partnership with Scottish Water Horizons. The state-of-the-art district heating network at the Clyde Gateway site in Glasg
A waste water treatment process that maximises the production of biogas has helped a Scottish Water site in Aberdeen to transform its carbon footprint and start exporting energy to the national grid.
Work has started on building Scotland’s first ‘fifth generation’ heating network at the country’s manufacturing innovation district in Renfrewshire. Cabinet secretary for finance and the economy Kate Forbes was at the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District Scotland (AMIDS
The man responsible for revolutionising Glasgow’s water supply has been honoured with a new plaque at Mugdock Reservoir. Following his work on Manchester’s water supply, John Bateman was asked by Glasgow City Council in 1852 to find a new source of water for the Greater Glasgow area. He
Scottish Water’s £3.4 million investment to help reduce the risk of sewer flooding in Tarbert has been completed.
A revolutionary new tarmac product made from discarded plastic has been used in a major Scottish Water regeneration project in Glasgow.
Scottish Water has selected seven firms to carry out works on its behalf as it prepares to deliver of one of Scotland’s biggest capital investment infrastructure programmes.
Scottish Water Horizons has launched a new service to support housing developers with remediating unvested water and waste water assets across Scotland.
Scottish Water has reached a major milestone in its £30 million upgrade of water services in the Scottish Borders.
Plans by Wellhouse Housing Association (WHA) to bring new housing to the area have taken an important step forward. The housing association is focused on the continued regeneration of the area, however, work to bring much-need homes stalled due to ground water flooding which has been an ongoing
The great granddaughter of a man who helped build the Katrine Aqueduct has welcomed the completion of the latest upgrade work. After the discovery of amazing old photographs of the construction of the aqueduct were publicised on BBC Scotland’s Landward programme and Channel 5’s Secret Sc
The environment business of Galliford Try has been appointed to Scottish Water’s new Non-Infrastructure Framework for the SR21-27 investment programme, in joint venture with MWH Treatment.