West College Scotland

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West College Scotland and James Frew have finally welcomed their 2022 Modern apprenticeship intake after months of rigorous interviews and selection tests. With 15 new apprentices across three trade disciplines, the move further confirms the partners' commitment to investing in future talent, buildi

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International Women Into Engineering Day today has been chosen as the perfect launch date of the Women into STEM’s next phase of activity.

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More than 150 third year pupils in Renfrewshire got to grips with traditional building skills at a career-building event held outside Paisley Town Hall. Building on Paisley’s historic environment, the event hopes to encourage more young people to get into traditional building crafts as part of

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Six West Dunbartonshire school pupils are gaining on-site work experience at Queens Quay as part of their Foundation Apprenticeships. Available to senior school pupils, Skills Development Scotland developed Foundation Apprenticeships in partnership with education and industry, with support from the

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Secondary pupils from schools in Glasgow, Stirling, Perth and Musselburgh took part in a two-day traditional building skills event held at the Scottish Parliament this week. The hands-on practical workshops provided 13 to 15 year olds with the chance to discover more about traditional skills apprent

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