
16-30 of 53 Articles
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Plans have been submitted for a four-storey medical research laboratory and offices in Govan. Kadans Science Partner wants to develop part of a disused car park on Linthouse Road at Holmfauld Road.

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Steve Byer, group director for WSP Highways, has been named a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) in Scotland. ICE Scotland, the country’s leading source of expertise in civil engineering policy, has over 8,500 members, who design, build and maintain the country’s vital tr

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Household names from the world of construction will help develop the standards for a new ‘kit of parts’ which will be used to create the next generation of government projects like schools, hospitals and prisons. The Construction Innovation Hub has appointed a new Design Standards B

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WSP has appointed Jonathan Plant as development director (Scotland) for local government within its transport and infrastructure team. Jon will be responsible for leading the growth and development of WSP’s local government client base in Scotland.

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WSP associate Ewan Jures on the importance of district heating networks. Scotland has been at the forefront of the climate change debate for many years and even more so in the last few months - having agreed to an ambitious target of net zero emission by 2045, five years ahead of the rest of the UK.

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Stirling Council has submitted a plan to transform the transport network connecting Kings Park and Stirling South. Filed by WSP, the proposal is for a new link road through the council's existing Viewforth site, which houses the authority's headquarters. The new road, known as the Viewforth Link Roa

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Pupils, teachers and local councillors in Airdrie have celebrated key milestones at the sites of two new joint campus primary schools which are being delivered by Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure. The first school taking shape on Petersburn Road will provide a new home for Petersburn

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Bruce Donaldson Bruce Donaldson highlights WSP’s Future Ready concept and explains how the design of cities and business infrastructure is likely to change in line with climate, technology and societal trends.

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Scotland’s Stirling Station forecourt is set to be transformed following the appointment of engineering consultants WSP as designers for its redevelopment project. The project will involve the creation of a new station forecourt area, which aligns with improvements already being made by Stirling C

16-30 of 53 Articles